Calligram - Letter to My Future Self

 Dear Future Mary,

20 years from now, the most important thing is that you’re happy. Right now, it is one stressful week after the next and always trying to reach for perfection even when it seems impossible to attain it. Something that I’ve been trying to realize is that numbers dont define you, especially when it comes to integers like grades, weight, GPA, and more. I hope you’re doing the activities that make you happy and continuing to make time for yourself. Self-care always seems unnecessary when you feel like you have so many other “important things” to do, but it the most important thing to be able to mentally, physically, and emotionally function at the most optimal level when possible. hope you are keeping up with your bullet journaling!It's been such an odd time in life with the Covid-19 pandemic effecting everyones lives. Its been such a hard time not being able to see friends and family in so long and being able to have the normal social interactions of life.I am lucky to have my small group of my best friend/roommate, Kayley, and my boyfriend, Jp, to keep me sane through the stress of pandemic life and normal life ups and downs.There seems to be alight at the end of the tunnel with vaccines being available.This whole pandemic has definitely shown the true colors of a lot of people, but also taught me not to take advantage of the small things in life, like being able to go to the movies or out with a bunch of friends.With graduation around the coroner, the job search has been interesting since it’s a slim job market right now. I just found out I got an interview for one job though which is very exciting. I hope youre working in a job you love so it does not even feel like work, since thats always the goal, right?Ideally, you would have invented the next new big tech software so you could retire young, live on the beach, and enjoy life to its fullest!Maybe you even have your dream house from the hours of HGTV weve been watching and the multiple Pinterest boards created!Even if that is not the case, the most important thing is that you are living your best life and doing the best you can.Your younger self is already proud of all the amazing things you have done. Keep it up!


Your Past Self


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